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Our research focuses on the following topics:

Shared Book Reading Intervention
To increase students' volume of exposure to rich, natural written Chinese, through reading aloud by adults for premier school students. Students who experience a greater volume of written language are expected to become more competent and interested readers than students who receive only the standard curriculum, which stresses intensive reading of a limited number of texts.

Orthographic instruction Intervention
To develop instructional activities to increase students' awareness of morphemes, and the mapping between morphemes and characters. Instructional activities requires students to segment words into component morphemes, and to recognize the relationships among words which share a common morpheme (and hence, a common character). Students who receive instruction in morphology, which is not now emphasized in the Chinese language curriculum, are expected to make substantially better progress in learning to read than students who do not.

Language Transfer in Bilingual Children
Having a phonologically richer native language and early bilingual experience may be the reason that Cantonese children could outperform Mandarin children in Mandarin phonological awareness tasks.

Tracking Analysis of Poor reader’s Language Development
We complete situated, dynamic assessments of factors that facilitate or inhibit the progress of poor readers during classroom instruction. We did video taping children’s language development in classrooms.

Phonological Awareness in Chinese
Children learned to pronounce more regular characters, which contain full information about pronunciation, and more tone-different and onset-different characters, which contain partial information about pronunciation, than characters with unknown phonetic components, which contain no information about pronunciation.

Visual Perception in Chinese
Chinese children encode characters into familiar chunks. Major functional components – simple characters that serve as the semantic or phonetic radicals of compound characters-- are more readily perceived as chunks than subcomponents that do not represent semantic or phonological information, but the contrast with arbitrary stroke patterns shows that even subcomponents are serving as perceptual chunks.

Children's development of writing
Studies of children learning to write have shown that children do not merely rely on simple rote memory when they learn to write words, but rather take advantage of the different kinds of systematic information inherent in the writing system.

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